Tuesday, October 2, 2012

CCC Day 5

Today we opened the day in praise and worship. What a wonderful experience to sing praises to God with 65+ other women!

And our speaker lead us through the story of Joseph, seeing how God worked in his life so that can  learn how to look back through our own lives - learn to see the fingerprints of the Father in the amazingly good, the unforgettably bad, and the everyday mundane- so that we can trust God as we move forward.

After the lessons, the ladies spent time in Silence and Solitude, to brainstorm through their life and capture five defining moments.

They would go on later in the day to share these moments in a short-story format with the women in their Connection Group.

During our free time today, a few of us went into town.  It's a big surfer location for many in Brazil.

And we popped into a grocery store to see what we could find.

Getting out of the resort for a bit made it feel a little more real that we are in fact in Brazil!

Many people that drove or walked by looked at my walking mates and me like we had a third eye.  I later told BG (an American who lives in Brazil) about the looks we were getting.  "Well yeah!" she replied. 

"Do we really look that foreign?"

After she finished laughing she let us know we were, for starters, way too pale and way too clothed to be mistaken for local Brazilians.


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