Sunday, October 3, 2010

CCC Day 1/2

On October 1 the lovely team of women I will be working with for the Continent Care Connection 2010  (put on by Continent of Great Cities) arrived in the DFW airport. They were kind enough to provide me with a boa and a birthday crown and one of my team members made some amazing cookies.

Early in the morning on October 2, we arrive in Sao Paulo, Brazil- aka the massive sea of humanity and the third largest city in the world.

And thanks to the prayers of our prayer warriors, especially Mrs. Debbie B. - who has the specific job of praying for our luggage- all 32 pieces of luggage arrived on time and in tact.

What should have been a 3 hour trip south (despite having told everyone I was going north!) to Maresias was an interesting drive spotted with favelas

and fog

and foreshadowing of the rain that was to come

But don't worry- as much as it looks like Al Roker should be here, I did google tropical storm and Brazil and nothing is showing up, so I think it's just a little spring shower that we hope to be all cleared up before the participants arrive on Monday-- start to praying now (Debbie, that means you too!)

But we are all here- seventeen in all (including the 3rd Becky of the group who lives in Brazil and joined us at the airport).  And we're excited and ready to serve the missionary women who will join us Monday.  To provide for them love and rest and peace.


AM said...

Happy Birthday Kate! I thought about you several times throughout the day, but didn't get a phone call made to tell you. Glad you have arrived, and hope you have a incredible time!

Luke Hartman said...

I like the pictures. Glad the luggage made it safely. I pray that y'all are a blessing

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