Tuesday, October 5, 2010

CCC Day 4

While yesterday was a day of full hearts for our friends (which by the way, things continue well.  24 hours down, 48 to go before we all breathe a little deeper on it though), it was our final morning of preparation before the ladies arrived.

We had a wonderful prayer walk on the beach to pray blessings over the women as they were coming and pray for wisdom for ourselves to know what to say and how to give them what they need.

But after the tables were arranged and the final preparations done, we still had time to squeeze in a walk to town to catch some surfers

And eat some Acai dessert (the best way I can describe it is a mix between a smoothy and sorbet. But the sound the machines make as the man is making it sounds like a chainsaw on a cow.  So I was a bit skeptical).

But then ... THE LADIES ARRIVED!!!!

And it was time to get this party started!!!

It is such a blessing to have the women here and it's only been 24 hours!  They are full of life and joy and I can already tell you now it will be a toss up between who walks away more blessed by the end of this week.

We ended the evening with a wonderful time of prayer over the women as we sang "Let Your Spirit Come".  And I can feel it here already.


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