Sunday, July 11, 2010

How to Have Beautiful Feet

I was standing in the churchyard in Mombassa.  My feet were tired and dirty.  We had been walking for what seemed like days handing out tracks and inviting people to come to our evening Bible studies.

"Today" a man said to me through his a thick Kenyan accent.  "Today, your feet are beautiful."

My church's mission Sunday was today.  We had the goal of raising 599,000.00 to help fund special mission efforts around the world and in our own community.  We raised over 601,000.00.  I'm immensely thankful to be a part of a church that so greatly emphases missions.

Today my feet were not dirty like they were in Kenya that hot summer day.  But as I sit looking down at them after a day focusing on how we here are a vital piece in a partnership with dear people around the world- working together to bring the Good News, I have to say, they're looking a little beautiful- no pedicure required.


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